
Paper Pixel Art, Germany

Pink Movember

900 PostIts, 2.28m x 2.28m
ABC-Straße Hamburg

Time for a Social Event with political message again.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and in November men usually raise awareness for prostate cancer by growing a moustache. Why not combine these in a social Charity event at the transition of both awareness months?

So I adapted the famous „M-Maybe (A Girl’s Picture)“ artwork by Roy Lichtenstein, created a pixelated version of it, added a moustache and made it a template for the guests to create.

They were having 90 minutes and with each sticky note attached correctly, I would donate 50 Cent for fighting against breast or prostata cancer. And of course they performed well. Thanks to all the artists working on that and any other person raising awareness and donating!

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