
Paper Pixel Art, Germany

Wonder Woman

1.194 PostIts, 3.42m x 2.74m
Barrow Street Ringsend, Dublin

With 1.194 PostIts and the very first time out of Germany, together with my artist friend Xiaochen Zhang we created our largest artwork so far, which took us 3 hours (you can see the development process in the video below) to design and 6.5 hours at nighttime to stick on the glass wall bridge between 2 houses, directly above a street in the heart of Dublin.

We got a little trouble with Security and in the end we were allowed to finish our artwork, but unfortunately the next day in the morning, the whole artwork had to me removed again due to possible distraction of car drivers.

It was also the very first time, that I did a timelapse recording of the whole process:

As the windows were curved and the motif was so big, it was hard to get the bigger picture, e. g. to avoid PostIt rows and columns going wavy or diagonal, I bought a laser leveller, which helped to get the sticky notes aligned.

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